Infinite Intelligence Webinar – a guide for more success with a lot less stress

by | Oct 24, 2023 | Webinars

Many people throughout the ages have believed in the existence of infinite intelligence, although they might have used different words to describe it.

They feel that their best achievements have more to do with outside forces than their own undoubted ability. If this sounds somewhat fanciful, and it did to me, then it is worth considering just a few names on this list.

In alphabetical order they include Buddha, Leonardo da Vinci, Thomas Edison, Albert Einstein, Carl Jung, James Maxwell, Isaac Newton, Wolfgang Pauli, George Bernard Shaw, most philosophers, and all the religions that I have some knowledge about.

In other words we would be unwise to discount the wisdom of these sources.


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Coaching & Consultations

Ready to Work with Dr. Simpson?

Book consultation sessions and join Dr. Simpson’s one-on-one coaching programs. Dr Simpson coaches champions, but everyone is welcome to use these services!

Dr Simpson employs many different techniques including Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP), Hypnosis and Mindset coaching.

With a blend of clinical expertise and cutting-edge experimental techniques, the sessions provide a safe and supportive environment for you to explore the vast landscape of your consciousness.

Coaching & Consultations

Ready to Work with Dr. Simpson?

Book consultation sessions and join Dr. Simpson’s one-on-one coaching programs. Dr Simpson coaches champions, but everyone is welcome to use these services!

Dr Simpson employs many different techniques including Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP), Hypnosis and Mindset coaching.

With a blend of clinical expertise and cutting-edge experimental techniques, the sessions provide a safe and supportive environment for you to explore the vast landscape of your consciousness.

Dr Stephen Simpson