More About Luck

by | Oct 24, 2023 | Weekly Blog

I mentioned earlier this year that I was going to write my next book about Luck. Little did I realise what a challenge this would be. Nor how fascinating this subject would be. Here is a sneak preview of the introduction…..


I consider myself lucky but never take this for granted. I start and finish every day reminding myself just how lucky I am now, how lucky I have been in the past, and how lucky I hope to be in the future.

I like to believe that there is an endless supply of luck available for everybody. Sadly there is also a lot of bad luck around. If we can attract more good luck than bad luck we are ahead of the game.

I hope that you are going to be lucky. I will do my best to help you. I will keep this book simple too. Many of my clients have been hugely lucky, and in this book I am going to share what I believe to be some of their lucky secrets.

One reason that I am feeling lucky right now is that I’m in a great place. A small hotel room in a small village on the wild untamed Portuguese Atlantic coast. It is November 2014. The weather is mild, and the surf is crashing onto a deserted beach that stretches as far as the eye can see. I am lucky to be here.

This village is thought to be lucky too. It does not look it. Some interesting old houses, but also plenty of drab apartment blocks, some of which look abandoned. A few cafés, bars, shops, and people complete the picture. So why is this village thought to be lucky, and why do I feel specially lucky today? Can you guess the name of this village?

In case you need any help with these questions I’ll post the answers next week. With more information about Luck too.


Here is a bit more back story until then…….


The seeds were planted in January earlier this year. I am a medical doctor but have worked exclusively as an elite performance coach for the last six years. I always start each year with a cunning plan. My plan this year was to devote more time and energy into presenting self development workshops. I enjoy the challenge of thinking on my feet, and exchanging views with delegates from diverse backgrounds. I get a real kick from watching them as they ignite skills they did not know they possessed. It is fun being a catalyst, not doing very much apart from giving permission to others to get out of their own way, and find flow.

This is what I wrote at the end of January earlier this year.

‘I have been very lucky this month! Probably more lucky than the whole of last year, and that was a cracker! One of the successes was my GET REAL RESULTS NOW workshop in London. The delegates were a great bunch, and we talked a lot about objectives, mindfulness, and also luck, and how luck is not random. As Roger Federer said, you have to learn how to put luck on your side. So GET LUCKY NOW! will probably be the title of my next event.’

My cunning plan turned out to be far from cunning. There were no more workshops this year, and may not be next year either.

Because something very exciting happened at the London workshop.

More next week!!!!



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Coaching & Consultations

Ready to Work with Dr. Simpson?

Book consultation sessions and join Dr. Simpson’s one-on-one coaching programs. Dr Simpson coaches champions, but everyone is welcome to use these services!

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Coaching & Consultations

Ready to Work with Dr. Simpson?

Book consultation sessions and join Dr. Simpson’s one-on-one coaching programs. Dr Simpson coaches champions, but everyone is welcome to use these services!

Dr Simpson employs many different techniques including Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP), Hypnosis and Mindset coaching.

With a blend of clinical expertise and cutting-edge experimental techniques, the sessions provide a safe and supportive environment for you to explore the vast landscape of your consciousness.

Dr Stephen Simpson