by Dr. Stephen Simpson | Articles, Mind, Personal Development
There are many reasons why Aesop’s stories have resonated so strongly with people of all ages and all cultures for at least 2,500 years.
Every story has at least one powerful point which I can use in my work with elite performers. Everybody has the potential to be an elite performer in at least one area of their life, so these videos are well worth checking out.
by Dr. Stephen Simpson | Articles, Mind, Personal Development, Weekly Blog
The charcoal burner and the fuller lived in the same village and became friends. However there very different jobs placed a limit on their friendship. Whether this limit was real or imagined is the question? As usual with Aesop there are several different conclusions...
by Dr. Stephen Simpson | Articles, Mind, Personal Development, Weekly Blog
Sometimes a reward may not be what it seems. A badge of honour can in reality be a badge of dishonour to everybody else. You might say the vicious dog got what he deserved. Or you might feel sorry for him perhaps?
by Dr. Stephen Simpson | Weekly Blog
Visualisation is an important ingredient in planning for a successful event or outcome. Many people have difficulty with this concept and believe they do not have powers of visualisation. Rest assured, you do. This video will explain more…