by Dr. Stephen Simpson | Articles, Mind, Personal Development
I was interviewed by TV presenter and author Tony Wrighton about my work. Or was I interviewing him? Judge for yourself. Here is Tony’s description of our chat. Dr. Stephen Simpson is an Elite Performance Coach, medical doctor, and NLP expert who specialises in...
by Dr. Stephen Simpson | Havening, Weekly Blog
I have been very lucky this month – so far! Probably more lucky than the whole of last year, and that was a cracker! One of my clients has been SPECTACULARLY lucky. More details later….. One of the successes was my GET REAL RESULTS NOW seminar in...
by Dr. Stephen Simpson | Webinars
4 Monster Stress Busters to reduce Fear and connect to Infinite Intelligence Hi my name is Dr Stephen Simpson and I am a medical doctor working as an elite performance coach. Which means you are in the right place at the right time because we are all capable of...
by Dr. Stephen Simpson | Weekly Blog
In this webinar I will introduce the 4th and final monster, – Hypnosis, including self-hypnosis. This will include demonstration of hypnotic techniques. I will also add more flesh to the concept of Universal Intelligence, which is our end goal.
by Dr. Stephen Simpson | Weekly Blog
I am fascinated by the workings of our mind. I spend hours every day trying to understand even a little more about a subject which is largely beyond human comprehension. I came to the conclusion that the more I studied the more confused I became. It was time for me to...