Myelin can raise your game to new heights.
A medical encyclopedia would define Myelin as a lipid layer, or sheath that forms around nerves, including those in the brain and spinal cord and it’s function is to allow electrical impulses to transmit quickly and efficiently along the nerve cells.
The below video I recorded for you explains why myelin is so critical to peak performance.
When you play sports or practice any hobby, the myelin sheath plays a major role in your skill development.
In a study by scientists from University College London published in the Science Today journal, the team demonstrated that young adult mice need to make myelin to learn new motor skills but that new myelin does not need to be produced to recall and perform a pre-learned skill. They proclaimed, “We were surprised how quickly we saw differences in the ability of mice from each group to learn how to run on complex wheel, which shows just how fast the brain can respond to wrap newly-activated circuits in myelin and how this improves learning.”
In short, the unconscious mind develops. Similarly In my mindset coaching techniques, you will learn how to train the unconsciousness mind to be more robust and translate into higher performance.
Myelin Deficiency and How to Improve it
A deficiency of myelin is found in Central Nervous System (CNS) diseases such as multiple sclerosis, stroke and spinal cord injury. Also if you are often getting less sleep, more stress your brain suffers and as a result the process of mylelination is impacted.
Some natural ways to stimulate the process of myelination include getting enough sleep, exercise, sunlight, and learning new skills.
Remember by training your brain, you also improve neuroplasticity, the brain’s ability to change and adapt in response to experience or trauma. Neuroplasticity gives us the opportunity to rewire our brains, allowing us to make new choices, heal from depression, anxiety, alcoholism, and drug addiction, and even numbing pain.