I received many very appreciative comments about my last blog. But a few people asked what the connection was between golf and Jack The Ripper?
Good question. So now is the perfect time to repeat an important point. My clients are a diverse group. About the only thing they have in common is a desire to learn more about the mind, and how to use it for greater health, wealth, and happiness. Many are golfers, many play other sports, and many do not like sport at all. So it is an enjoyable challenge to write a blog that contains a message for everybody, although it will require a little thought from you too.
So the message from the Ripper blog was that we do not see a lot that is in front of our noses. If you are a golfer going through a bad patch the answer may be closer than you think. How about a quick re-read of Play Magic Golf? If you are worrying about an interview, driving test, or a lack of success in any other area how about re-reading Push At Open Doors? I hope that all of my clients have read at least one of these books, as they form the foundation that all else is based upon.
So now PGA Head Golf Professional Mark Peddar will explain how to annoy people, and I will have a few comments too as to how you can all use this profitably in your diverse lives.
After a summer of teaching it is great to start playing golf again. This return has been easier than normal this year as my short game has come back immediately, so helping me score well.
This got me thinking after a couple of good results and comments from opponents. If you are not annoying your opponents you need to look at improving your short shots.
My short game is something I have always loved to practice and work on. One of the largest bonuses of being able tidy up well around the Greens, is that it really annoys your apponents and gets under their skin.
This in turn makes them perhaps push harder for results in Matches and therefore make some mistakes, as they start to think, “I better get this close or he will beat me “ or “ Oh no, he has up and downed it again.”
So in future when you play be annoying in the best possible way.
Success does not usually come with a big bang. Far more often it comes over time by doing the simple things well, by adopting a kaizen strategy. Practicing your short game, rehearsing your presentation, memorising the names of the delegates at your next seminar, answering your emails with mindful intent, rather than multi-tasking. There are infinite examples.
So what simple steps can you take right now to build for your future success? Then write it down. Even better, send me an email. This helps to hardwire good intentions, that otherwise may be soon forgotten.
Wishing you a productive week, Steve