Luck isn’t random
Discover the 7 secrets of success that can transform any area of your life!
Use these secrets to ignite confidence and turbocharge your resilience to deliver success in both your personal and professional life. Find out what you are missing out on now from Dr. Stephen Simpson.
Dr. Simpson is an internationally acclaimed mind coach, hypnotherapist, presenter, TEDx speaker, bestselling author, business consultant, and Fellow of the Royal Society of Medicine.
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Dr. Stephen Simpson, MB CHB MFOM MBA
As an inspirational speaker I have touched the lives of many thousands of delegates worldwide. I coach elite performers in the fields of business, sport, entertainment and poker – individually, and with teams. Find out about me as an international mindset coach, hypnotherapist, TEDx speaker, podcast presenter and bestselling author.
Is NLP training the secret of my clients’ success?
As an NLP life coach most of my mind coaching is centred on the principles of neurolinguistic programming (NLP), meditation, and hypnosis. It leans heavily on the application of the transformational Jungian concepts of synchronicity and the collective unconscious.
Hypnotherapy in a nutshell
Hypnotherapy is a hugely powerful yet controversial technique, and is my most powerful tool for any situation and for any person. It forms the foundation of my life coaching training. We are surrounded by examples of hypnosis, and everybody can be a hypnotist, and anybody can be hypnotised. One of the best examples is the natural way that a mother soothes her troubled child. Light hypnosis can be achieved within seconds, and deep hypnosis within a few minutes. Therapeutic interventions aimed at the conscious mind will be by definition of limited benefit. This is why will power, hard work, and motivation are not enough on their own. The unconscious mind is far more powerful and this is where transformational change can be rapid and life lasting.
Bioresonance Therapy
Bioresonance is a fundamental concept of nature. Hang two pendulum clocks from the same beam and sooner or later the pendulums will synchronise. A vibrating tuning fork will cause an adjacent tuning fork of the same frequency to vibrate too. The solfeggio frequencies are another example of bioresonance. he solfeggio frequencies are an ancient six tone scale of musical notes. For hundreds of years it has been considered sacred music and is the foundation of the popular Gregorian chants. Many people believe they are beneficial and use them every day.
Reconnective Healing

We are surrounded by energy and Dr. Eric Pearl, the founder of the Reconnective Healing technique believes there are ways that we can all tap into some of these energy frequencies to promote healing.
Reconnective healing helped me recover from a serious neck injury. I often use it with clients because it can seamlessly integrate into other techniques such as meditation, hypnosis, Havening, NLP Coaching and Heartmath. Using these techniques I can be your mindset coach to help you overcome your own struggles whether across the UK or your mindset coach in London!
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